Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Finally,,,some good news.

I had my chest x-ray and bone scan today and I'm A-OK! There was one "hot spot" on one of my ribs that they are pretty confident is a fracture from last year. Feeling a little punky today but all in all I'm doing well. Also, found a wig! It's beautiful...real hair...and I'm getting it cut a week from Monday so I'll post pics. Hugs to you all...night.


Jamie Leaf said...

Yeah, happy to hear about the scans! I will update the contact info. shortly.

Suzanne said...

Tracy! that is such good news. Yesterday, I picked out some lovely blue yarn. It is a cotton and silk combo and super soft. I will get a hat to you ASAP! It should be a cozy alternative to the wig ;>

Tracy said...

Fabulous...thank you both :)