Monday, October 31, 2011


It's a beautiful morning...cold, crisp and clear. The perfect Halloween day. This was one of my favorite days as a teacher. One year we finished a unit on Edgar Allen Poe and then I had the kids write their own ghost stories and read them out loud in a circle, lights out, with a flashlight. They started out rolling their eyes but by the end they really got into it. Good memories!

I've got my pumpkin to carve and candy to buy...and what will Rosie be this year? Pictures to follow!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pink on Parade

The Fightin' Girls (and Boys) gathered Sunday for the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure and what fun we had! Our team, Girls Gotta Fight gathered before the race and at last count we had 45 participants! It was overwhelming to see so many of my friends and family gathered to walk for this important cause. And I know that many of my "Fighters" were walking not just for me but to honor loved ones and friends they hold dear. And for that wider circle of survivors, fighters and those who sadly lost their battle, I bow my head in honor of them all.

As the walk got started it was so amazing to see the various teams and individuals -- remember this is Eugene so it's no surprise that every kind of crazy was represented. One of my favorites was a pair of small poodles, one dyed pink and the other green and yellow (as the event was taking place at the home of the Ducks!). And along the 5k path that wound about, in part along
Pre's trail, entertainment and cheers of encouragement were everywhere. It was magical.

As of today, Girls Gotta Fight is 8th out of 191 teams with $3,518.00 raised thus far. And with donations still trickling in that number can go up. A big thank you to all who walked, donated and sent their good thoughts. Much of the money raised stays in the community to help needy, uninsured women with mammograms and cancer treatments in addition to lifesaving research. And the walk would not have been nearly so fun without you!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Life in Stitches...

I turned 48 on Tuesday Oct. 18. I gave myself a brief wtf moment in the mirror (who is that bald woman staring back at me?) then put on a great pair of boots and went to lunch. Heidi, Liz, my mom and I started off the day with lunch as a prequel to a fabulous evening with my book group.

And just when I thought that cancer was the biggest curve ball I could get my friends surprised me with a stunning quilt they made. You can see the pictures of the process in Debby's post below...what an amazing project!

And what's more amazing is that as I look at the quilt it seems to resemble so much about my life and about my recent experiences. Unlike most traditional quilts that are ordered with perfect symmetry, this has a delicious randomness...I've rarely followed the straight line to happiness or achievement. Rather I"m a "road not taken" kind of gal and that always has served me well in the end. And the pops of color elicit the beauty of the many places I've had the good fortune to live in and visit in my life. The deep blue waters of Palau, the purple blue mountains of Bend, the deep green of the Willamette Valley, the yellow ocher of Provence. I could go on. But most of all, when I look at this marvelous quilt I will be reminded of my many friends, who really are extended family. You've stitched together the bits and pieces of my life with love and I thank you.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Making Tracy's Birthday Quilt

Tracy's Birthday Quilt

Liz sewing Amy and Heidi supervising!
Marie was in charge of the ironing board!
Look almost like stained glass!

The worker bees!

Liz working hard!

Amy working on the border!

The  planning stage!
The final product!
Thanks to everyone who helped with Tracy's quilt. Liz Garfinkel spearheaded the trip to Greenbaum's in Salem to purchase the fabric! Heidi, Liz and I had fun perusing the store and picking out beautiful batiks for the Quilt. We got together with Liz, Heidi, Marie and Amy to put together the quilt.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another Ducky Day!

Another Duck Saturday brought family and friends together for the big game against Arizona State. Since the game was so late we gave our tickets to the kids and chose to watch the game all cozy on the couch.

Nathan took his brother-in-law Karl to his first Duck extravaganza and Joel brought Kevin down for another win (Kev is our good luck charm as the Ducks always pull out a win when he's here!). And Hunter hung out with Bruce and I while my mom, Jason and Eric Dildine did their part to cheer on the Ducks. And we had fun!! Hunter and I walked Rosie, played UNO and made chocolate chip cookies. Once Darron Thomas went down in the third quarter we got so nervous we couldn't watch. Hunter and I watched Spooky Buddies while we recorded the game on the DVR. When Bruce came in and said "What a win!" we high-fived and did our Ducky Dance.

This morning the house is getting quiet as everyone is heading out. I think I'm ready for a nap but I'll miss the activity...but not for long as everyone will be back next weekend for the walk. I'm sure my mom will keep me busy in the meantime :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ease on Down the Road...

Chemo #4 is done and I'm officially on the downhill slide! Liz took me this morning and Heidi stopped by after work...thanks for the laughs girls! And Bruce stopped by during his lunch hour to say hi and hold my hand...I've said it before, I'm a lucky girl!

My doctor has recommended my getting tested for the BRCA gene to see if there is a direct genetic component to my cancer. This information will not only help me to make further decisions in my care but will be potentially important to my immediate and extended family. For their sakes I'm hoping it's negative.

The nurse in the picture is Joanne - she was with me all the way on my first day of chemo and has been a a tremendous comfort and really funny to boot. Love her.

Been a long day...ready to say goodnight :-)
love you

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finding Normal...

Had a wonderful time with my parents, Jason and Hunter and Nathan and Steph at the Oregon game -- despite getting a little wet in the first half we stuck it out to watch them dominate Cal.

As I prepare for my fourth treatment this Tuesday I'm struck by how routine this has become. A new normal is a pretty common way cancer patients describe their lives. But thankfully I have so many friends who have kept me in touch with my "old life." Dinner out with Heidi and Liz last week was a treat as are the many walks we take with the dogs. There are still moments when I do a double take in the mirror and am reminded that yes, this isn't a bad dream, I really do have cancer.

And as I get closer to my proposed surgery date in December I am beginning to get a bit nervous. Scars permeate my dreams these days...will I be scarred and mutilated or will I look like a stronger version of myself?

Liz is taking me to my treatment on Tuesday and I'll send an update the meantime hope everyone has a fabulous week. Give someone you love a hug.