Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drip, Drip, Dripping Away...

Between Liz, Heidi and Bruce I had lots of company today as I worked to mark chemo # 2 off my list. The best part of getting each test, appointment and treatment behind me is that I am that much closer to being done! Granted I haven't even begun to feel the endorphin high on this marathon I'm running but I am out of the starting gate trying to find my stride. As I reflect over the last month I raise my glass of water to enjoying the race...the good, the gritty and the undeniable moments of pure joy.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Like the day I was born...

When my mom looked at my picture she exclaimed "My baby!" Wonderfully sweet and understandable since my head has not been on display since I was a few months old...it's oddly liberating yet it's the one outward sign that says "I'm sick." That part will take a while to get used to but for the time being I'm feeling great and trying to cram a lot in before my next treatment on Tuesday.

And as this is a time for many "firsts" I will be taking a step into the world of alternative medicine, visiting an acupuncturist for my nausea and headaches. Should be fascinating! Now that's what I need a picture of :)

Goodnight and sweet dreams...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hair today, gone tomorrow...

Pulling a Wallace and Grommit today and getting the Big Shave. My hair is falling out in clumps and it's much too depressing to see more and more of my scalp peek through my thinning pixie. And not to mention it's enough to keep up with Rosie's hair all over the house. I can't vacuum enough to keep up with the two of us.
Got to go...send me strength and courage...I may need it :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another day...

Every day seems to bring a new challenge...one of my chemo meds can cause water retention and last night my feet resembled two Christmas hams. And not to be outdone my legs were like tree stumps. Hoping that a meeting with the NP at the cancer center will get this nipped in the bud. And right after getting home with my wig yesterday, my hair started to fall out. How's that for timing!?
But a lovely package from Suzanne, a nice long hug from Rosie, a chat with my sister and mom and an evening with Bruce helped ameliorate the uncertainty that lay ahead.
One day at a time...and today I'm playing bridge with the gals so that should be great fun!
Enjoy the beautiful sunshine....xoxo

Monday, August 22, 2011

Hi Tracy, Back from Alaska and thinking a lot about you. I couldn't figure out how to blog and read your entire blog and got instructions. Thank you guys; some of us are techno idiots and appreciate the step by step instructions!
I am glad your energy is improving and you are feeling better. Hope to see you this week, Wed or Sat. Will give you a call. Hang in there and talk to you soon.
Love, Deb

Big Hair Day

I'm getting my wig today...a few weeks ago it seemed so important that I have the option to "wear" hair, but now that my long locks are gone. losing my hair seems to be the least of my worries. Odd what a little time and perspective will do. It will be nice to have when we go to New York (shooting for September) and I'm sure my niece Kelsey will have a blast playing dress up!

I'll post pics later...

Friday, August 19, 2011


Just when I was getting ready to dance a jig and celebrate an upcoming week and a half of increased energy and a healthy appetite I learned that the racquetball-sized lump under my arm was fluid in search of a space. The thing about fluid is that it gets lonely so eventually I could trade my racquetball for a bocce ball and be in serious geek mode. Anybody remember Elayne's famous dance on Seinfeld? I think she had a bocce ball under her arm.

Thanks to the pleading nurses at the Cancer Center my fabulous surgeon squeezed me into his lunch hour, inserted a drain and made me good as new. Hurts like hell and I look like I have a colostomy bag hanging from my armpit but I can't complain. Liz held my hand while the surgeon poked, prodded and drained...Heidi and Amy made sure I could safely shower then wrapped me with an ace bandage reminiscent of Gwyneth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love. Lesli brought some wonderful food for dinner. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends...when I ditch the bag I may try that jig after all!

Good night all...sweet dreams

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A warm thank you to all of you who are being so supportive of our beautiful daughter

Tracy's Dad

Meal tips

Thanks to all of you that have and will sign up for meals. I will keep you all updated as the need increases or decreases.

It may be easier if you can bring your meals in disposable type containers that you don't mind not getting back. This would make it easier than trying to return all the containers. We can put cleaned used disposable containers that can be reused outside in a bag near the cooler for anyone to take for the next meal.

If you have any suggestions about this process, let me know. Amy

Had a wonderful visit with my sister-in-law Jenn and my nephew Hunter. I learned how to play Stratego and discovered the world of Dragonbreath books. Jenn brought me a stack of trashy magazines to pass the time for my next chemo (thank you thank you) and two beautiful scarves that will don my lovely pate in time...and to top it off we both had a lot of fun teaching my mom to play Angry Birds. Sorry Dad...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thanks Jamie!!

Many thanks to Jamie for developing my blog All your tireless hours of "tech-support" getting everyone signed on and Google ready have been above and beyond. And a special thank you for getting my mom set up. This is a big mitzvah :)
love you...Tracy

Meal calendar update

Amy Steckel has offered to be in charge of the meal calendar. If you would like to bring a meal, please decide what day you would like and e-mail Amy with your entree. She will post it on the google calendar. Amy's e-mail is: amyjsteckel@gmail.com

Thank you, Jamie

Thank you Jamie for signing me in. Hello to all of Tracy's friends.
<3 You're warm hug :)

Aloha 'Oe

Looking forward to seeing you soon. Raced up in beautiful BC this weekend and was thinking of you and several canoeing ohana of mine that have undergone chemo over the past year or so.

Here is a pic of our motley light weight crew. I promise I do wear sunscreen but geeze am I showing off the difference between skin and spf 50 rash guard...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

inner beast...

Go inner beast. Go team, it does take a village. Just thinking of you. Lee

Ha, ha... same initials

I just went to post Lesli's meal on our meal calendar with her initials when I realized she has the same initials as Liz! I will start posting first names instead.

Time to Sign up for Meals

Okay. Tracy is ready for around 3 meals a week. I am planning to provide a meal on Wednesday August 17. Please email Jamie @ jamieleaf@comcast.net with the date you'd prefer and the type of meal you'll be dropping off. She will post it on the google calendar in the order she receives the commitments. Please check the calendar posted on the blog for updated sign-ups. You may need to refresh in order to see recently updated posts. This will be an evolving process as Tracy adjusts to chemo and then surgery in 5 or 6 months.

Tracy's requests:

Meals that can be frozen. She will freeze leftovers for another nite.

Pasta, Soups, casseroles, etc would be appreciated.

Not too spicy.

No beef.

Drop off meal in cooler by the kitchen door. Go up stairs to left of driveway. Don't let Rosie escape! We decided to use the cooler in order to free Tracy from waiting at home for delivery or visiting when she's not up to it.

The garden is really producing right now so there is no need for fresh veggies. This will change as fall approaches.

I'm heading out of town on Friday for about 10 days. I hope this all makes sense! Thanks to you all!

Liz Garfinkel

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Must say I'm feeling pretty fine today...had a fabulous day with Heidi and Liz, got together with friends for a spontaneous lunch and did a little shopping. Modern medicine is pretty amazing...not feeling sick at all today. High fives and fist bumps all around! Settling down to watch a movie with Bruce. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Proof of support....

Tracy, I signed up for a Google account today (which you understand is a serious thing for me) in order to lend my support through your blog!! Hope that makes you smile and feel even more supported through the process!! Thinking of you and hoping that you continue with your winning attitude!! You will beat this.

Girls got Grace

The last post was a test.... Now I am up and running! I have been able to spend the last 5 days with Trace and it has been a bonding experience I didn't want to ever have with her. We have many other great memories together. That being said, I am once again amazed at my sister's grace and ability to cope with this hurdle in her life. She was so strong for her first treatment, and continues to keep her spirits up while the medicines decide how they will affect her. I also want to thank all of her wonderful friends she has supporting her. She has an amazing group of friends and family lifting her up. For all the times I won't be able to be here, I know she will be well looked after.

Smart Phone Instructions

Jamie asked me to post some basic instructions for accessing this blog with a smart phone.

Go on the Internet and type in the blog website. After you are signed in using your gmail sign in, go to the menu and choose "Add Bookmark". Each time you sign onto the internet you can go to your bookmarks via "Menu", choose Tracy's Blog and you'll be there. Gmail will make you sign in again periodically.

On my Droid Incredible the sign in placed me into a "mobile" version of the blog where I was unable to make new postings, only comments on existing postings. I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the blog and found "view web version". When I chose this option I was able to view the blog as it appears online and I am now able to post from my phone.

Good luck,



I was really happy to hear the news about your bone scans. Thinking about you a lot and sending healing thoughts your way.

Amy S


Great news! Hang in there.
Love, Liz

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tracy, Rand told us last week about your diagnosis. Glad to hear that you made it through your first chemo session with flying colors. Both of us are thinking about you and wish you a speedy recovery. Please don't hesitate to contact us if there's anything you, Bruce or Taylor need. By the way, I saw Taylor walking Rosie yesterday. I honked and waved as I passed him, but he had no idea who was honking and waving at him because I was too far away for him to recognize me. Tell him it was me. GO DUCKS!!!

Finally,,,some good news.

I had my chest x-ray and bone scan today and I'm A-OK! There was one "hot spot" on one of my ribs that they are pretty confident is a fracture from last year. Feeling a little punky today but all in all I'm doing well. Also, found a wig! It's beautiful...real hair...and I'm getting it cut a week from Monday so I'll post pics. Hugs to you all...night.

How to make a post

I have heard from several blog readers that they do not know how to make a post. I will try to describe the process here. If you haven't posted yet, please go ahead and try!
Sign in on upper right side of the blog
Go to "New Post"
Write your message
Press the "Publish post" button
If you have problems, please let me know and I will see if I can figure out the answer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Yesterday was quite an adventure. With my mom, my sister and Bruce by my side I sailed through my first chemo with flying colors. The chemical concoctions were dripping in for hours and after my last bag beeped empty my fabulous nurse Joanne gave me hug and said I graduated...my sister smiled and said I'm no longer a chemo virgin! I feel good today. Pretty amped up on the dose of steroids they gave me and I'm not feeling sick. Yay!! My mom, sister and I ran errands, met with friends, went out to lunch and even tried on a few wigs!

I'm getting a bone scan and chest x-ray tomorrow...keeping my fingers crossed. Remember that good news my sister is waiting for? I'm hoping we get that tomorrow :)

Thank you all for your well wishes and your support...I feel so fortunate to have such a loving group of family and friends. I'm grateful for you all. Love, Tracy


Oh wow....here I am on a blog post. Tracy, I would only do it for you!! (Jamie, thank you!!) Meanwhile, you look gorgeous and I am waiting to bring you a special dinner/book(s)/knitting :>
Tracy, I just got on and want you to know I have been thinking of you. You are a strong person and I know you will get through this. I will keep thinking positive thoughts. Let me know if you have any special meal cravings that I can deliver from OES. Your new hair cut is awesome on you!! Go Girl !!! Fight this!! Love Lesli

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thinking of you

Hey Tracy! I thought about you several times today. You're in my prayers.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

After getting my hair cut on Friday I feel oddly liberated. One more step in preparation for Monday. Can't wait for my mom and sister to get here :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Posting time

Hi everyone, Just a note that Tracy's post below was written last night. (Thursday.) We are having some issues having her postings entered onto the blog, and so far she has had to send them to me and then I post them. So when she said tomorrow, she meant today...


Getting my snazzy chemo cut tomorrow. Heidi's going to take me and we'll drink wine, take pictures and make a day of it. Chemo starts Monday August 8 so I've had to fast-track my beauty plans. I guess there's no easing into my Michelle Williams pixie...just like jumping into the deep end. And that sums up this experience. There's no opportunity to dip a toe to test the water...I've just got to jump in and trust that I can swim. And in the event I cannot I know there will be plenty of friends and family throwing me a lifeline. Thanks to all...:)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bring it on...

Biopsy results are in and it looks like the fight just got a little tougher. My nodes are positive so I'm not sure what that means for my treatment plan. But I'm feeling strong and working hard to access my inner-beast. My sister is waiting for the bit of good news to surface...maybe the good news is that I have so much support and so much to live for...I am one lucky girl after all.
Good night...
Tracy Lynn comes from a family of fighters with positive attitudes. She is no different. We will all see her thru this

Tracy's Dad

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Step Closer...

Had a portacath inserted and sentinal lymph node biopsy today and awaiting results due in the next 4+ days (Friday or Monday) Feels a bit like a dress rehearsal for the big event coming up...good night all.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I have been out of town so I apologize for not contacting you sooner. I am so sorry that
you have been diagnosed with this disease. But, I am confident that you will come out of
it strong and healthy. Two of my closest friends have been through this in the past few years
and both are doing great today. Please know that my thoughts are with you and enjoy the
sunshine.... finally!