Monday, November 28, 2011

One Grateful Girl...

I had my last chemo on Tuesday, November 22nd and we had quite the celebration. Bruce, my Mom and Heidi joined me (Liz and Amy were sick so they were there in spirit!) and we had cake, sparkling cider and laughed with the nurses. At this point they're part of the family!

I must say it feels like they decided to save the big guns for the finale. The fatigue, the nausea, the headaches...the couch and I have become fast friends! And a few of those nasty side effects I thought I'd managed to avoid have made an appearance. The worse being the mouth sores...but it's all temporary and in a week or so I'll feel like myself again.

And seeing how we just celebrated Thanksgiving I am feeling very grateful these days. We had such a lovely dinner with my parents, Taylor, Jason, Jenn and Hunter. We played games, watched movies and talked about things that matter. Then it was time for the big game and the Ducks didn't disappoint. We sent the kids and watched from home as my seat on the couch was the best in the house! And all the while I thought of our family and friends...those who could join us, those who were absent and those we miss everyday and I am so thankful for them all. At the end of the day it's the relationships with those I love that make me smile and remind me how fortunate I am.
And I get to switch places with Bruce today...he's having a ventricle hernia repaired (a result of his heart surgery in January) and I am awaiting news from the doctor. I know everything will be fine but I have so say I hate the waiting. But I do prefer to be the caretaker rather than the patient!

I'll update later and let you know how he is...

2 comments: said...

Hi Tracy,

You look radiant after all the treatments. Happy dance that your done! I believe that the love and support surrounding you are the best medicine. Life is about relationships and I feel blessed to know and support you friend! Love, Tammy

Tracy said...

I couldn't have done it without you all! And you're the end it's all about the relationships we nurture and without the love and support of my family and friends this would be a lonely road to hoe. Love you Tammy...and hugs to that little cutie of yours :)