Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Post surgery help for Tracy

Dear Friends of Tracy,

Tomorrow, Jan. 11, is Tracy's day of surgery. Her Eugene friends are trying to help out by arranging meals to be delivered to her house. We are hoping to provide her meals every other day of the week.

How can you help?

1) If you want to sign up to bring a meal over to Tracy and Bruce's home, please contact Amy Steckel. (amyjsteckel@gmail.com) Amy is handling the google calendar, which is posted on Tracy's blog. Please don't feel that you must cook a gourmet meal. Your help will be very much appreciated if you just pick up a meal from a local restaurant, or even something as simple as bring a roasted chicken from the grocery with a bag of lettuce.

2) You can buy certificates at: http://ponyexpressdelivery.com/
This is a restaurant delivery service which brings food from over 40 different restaurants.

3) There is a home cooked meal delivery company, featuring vegetarian foods called Ivy's Cookin':

You could purchase a gift certificate from there, or actually order a meal for delivery.

4) Another home cooked meal delivery company is Blackburn and Company:
They were written up in our local paper:
They deliver home style cooking frozen entrees.

Any meal that you plan on providing, whether from a restaurant, homemade or from a delivery service, please notify Amy Steckel, so if can be entered on the google calendar. If you are buying a gift certificate, you do not need to let Amy know.

Tracy is expected to be home from surgery on Thursday. Her mom is staying with her. Liz Garfinkel will send e-mail updates to everyone on this list after surgery. Please also try to check in on the blog for the latest news.

There are no restrictions on the food. Meat, dairy, spicy, wheat--anything goes.

Their home address is:
105 W. 23rd Eugene, OR 97405

Thank you, everyone, for your support. Together, we can help to keep Tracy strong!

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